© Pedro Isztin, Stan Destino III: Transformation series
© Paula Luttringer, Untitled 1 Lamentos de los Muros series
© Cyrus Karimipour, Abduction Invented Memory series
© Angie Buckley, contemporaneous in-between >series

Tracing Memory: a Light Work

Angie Buckley
Cyrus Karimipour
Paula Luttringer
Pedro Isztin

November 3 – December 31, 2008
Opening Reception: Thursday, November 13

Light Work
316 Waverly Avenue
Syracuse, NY

The artists chosen for this exhibition create photographs that look at the idea of remembrance—letting go and making sense of past events, and using those memories to understand who they are today. Angie Buckley relied on the conflicting recollections of relatives, in order to piece together her own family history; Pedro Isztin’s color portraits metaphorically integrate formative childhood memories, using them to heal the adult, that child has become; Cyrus Karimipour revels in the flexibility of memories and uses his images to visually recreate them to depict how he remembers an event or encounter; and Paula Luttringer faces her own traumatic past, infusing her imagery with what other women remember about being abducted and held captive during Argentina’s Dirty War. Romais states, “These artists show us how the most emotionally laden experiences persist, while those left untouched most likely become memory traces … fragile and ephemeral.” —Miriam Romais, Curator.

Read/See more in the upcoming issue of Contact Sheet #149

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