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© Wendel White, Schools for the Colored, Bordentown, NJ
© Samantha Box, Untitled, Nobody to Anybody: Homeless LGBT youth in New York City Series
© Dean Dempsey, Cut Throat, Identity Series

New Works #13 En Foco's New Works Photography Fellowship Awards Exhibition (2009-10)

June 28 – July 22, 2010
Calumet Photographic
22 West 22nd Street
New York, NY 10010

Artists: Karen Miranda RivadeneiraWendel A. White  Rebecca MartinezSamantha BoxDean Dempsey

Juror: Anne Tucker, Curator, Museum of Fine Arts/Houston

“The applicants for this year’s En Foco New Works Photography Fellowship Awards know that we are changed by what we love. They also understand love is not easy––to nurture, to share, or to support. It’s certainly not easy to describe or to portray in photographs. Whether photographing their family, a place with strong emotional appeal or sites of historical importance to them, the best of the photographers created strong portfolios of consistently engaging images, clearly identifying for the viewer why they want to share their visions with us.
— Anne Wilkes Tucker, juror, New Works #13

En Foco’s New Works Photography Awards is an annual fellowship program selecting U.S. based photographers of Latino, African, and Asian heritage, and Native Peoples of the Americas and the Pacific through a free and open call for submissions. Acting as a creative incubator, it enables artist to create or complete an in-depth photographic series exploring themes of their choice, while providing an honoraria and infrastructure for a professional exhibition in New York.

Generous support for the 2009-2010 program has been provided by: Canson Infinity, the New York State Council on the Arts, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs, and the Bronx Council on the Arts. We are grateful for additional support from Bogen, Lowepro, Archival Methods, Fuji Film and PDN.

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