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© Jaime Permuth, untitled, The Completely Visible World series, 2009. Archival pigment print, edition 1 of 5, 20x24"
© Wilfredo Benítez-Rivera, Dancing for Peace II, 2007. Archival pigment print, 11 x 16”
© Magdalena Solé Boy in Favela Vila Canoas, Forgotten Places series, 2009. Archival pigment print, 13x19"

Latent: an En Foco Member's exhibition

March 3 – 27, 2010
Umbrella Arts + Projects
317 East 9th Street
New York, NY 10003

Artists: Wilfredo Benítez-Rivera • Shraddha Borawake  Ricky Day  Vanina Feldsztein  Terri Garland  Rizzhel Mae Javier  
Margaret LeJeune  Jaime Permuth  Wendy Phillips  Magdalena Solé  Stacey Tyrell  Elizabeth Valentín

Juror: curated by Terry Boddie

“The pursuit of creative vision is often a solitary enterprise. Most photographers make images outside the periphery, far from the spotlight. The reasons for their varying degrees of visibility are vast and mostly unimportant. This lack of ‘recognition’ however does not diminish their commitment to the pursuit of their objectives.

In some ways the strength of the work produced by this distancing, confirms the necessity of focus to the creative process. This exhibition seeks to give some larger degree of visibility to the work of 12 photographers whose work embodies this process of exploration. They are at various stages in their career: some have barely begun while others have been on the road a little while. What unites them is the cultivation of their vision through the image-making process.

The majority of the images make use of the human figure to investigate themes of alienation, identity and loss––whether they are forcefully declared in portraiture, performance, or implied––through the use of blurred motion and geographic location. There are images that demonstrate an interest in exploring ideas through the structured narrative. Others use the absence or dislocation of the human figure to build meaning. Above all, they indicate a strong commitment to the photographic image and its possibilities.”
—Terry Boddie, Curator
New York City, March 2010


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