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Nueva Luz Issue 28.1 – 2024 Photography Fellowship Issue

Featured artists: Cali M. Banks, Jordana Bermúdez, Avijit Halder, Andrew Kung, Oji Haynes, Shina Peng, Sharon Miller, Lieh Sugai, Jennifer Teresa Villanueva, and Chen Xiangyun.

Curated and essay by: Tyrone Santana Copeland

Essays by: Carmen Lizardo, and Betty Wilde-Biasiny

En Foco is pleased to announce Tyrone Santana Copeland as curator of its summer issue of Nueva Luzand an accompanying exhibition. Since 1975, the journal has annually featured the work of early-career photographers of color selected to receive the En Foco Photography Fellowship. This issue includes essays by photographer and artist Carmen Lizardo entitled “Culture Belongs to All: (re)Constructing of Identity Through Visual Narratives” and Betty Wilde-Biasiny‘s “Reaching Critical Mass” which recounts the history of the influential newsletter Critical Mass and its current archiving for public access.

The 2024 En Foco Photography Fellowship awardees include Cali M. Banks, Jordana Bermúdez, Avijit Halder, Andrew Kung, Oji Haynes, Shina Peng, Sharon Miller, Lieh Sugai, Jennifer Teresa Villanueva, and Chen Xiangyun. Now in its fourth year, the Media Arts Work-in-Progress Award engages the expanding language of photography and consideration for artists of color engaged in more inclusive forms of media-making. This year’s recipients include Laura Dudu, Deshon Leek, Ambika Raina, David Sainté, and Tansy Xiao.

En Foco / In Focus: Selected Works from the Permanent Collection

Published in conjunction with En Foco’s nationally traveling exhibition of the same title. Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer

En Foco / In Focus: Selected Works from the Permanent Collection
Published in conjunction with En Foco’s nationally traveling exhibition of the same title. Curated by Elizabeth Ferrer

Since its founding in New York in 1974, En Foco has been dedicated to promoting cultural diversity in the field of photography. It has nurtured and supported photographers of diverse cultures, beginning with Latinos in New York, the focus of its initial efforts in the 1970s, and then soon broadening its mission to embrace photographers of African, Asian, and Native American heritage across the United States.

Copyright © 2012 by En Foco, Inc.
ISBN: 978-0-9888261-0-6

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